SaturnOne CEO’s Content Analytics Tour: The Latest Updates

The latest updates in SaturnOne Analytics makes it super-easy to use and navigate


Initiated by our founder and CEO, Mr. Greg Bardwell, SaturnOne is rolling out a new set of updates and a fresh new look on its content analytics website, paving the way for a smoother view and ease of navigation for the content analytics software. This includes the Content Groups and Content Attribution dashboard.

What content analytics does is it allows you to group content into categories and then perform various analytics on them, such as filtering by campaigns, categories, and countries, and seeing how whole categories of content are performing. 

You can also do content attribution, which is a very powerful thing. Mr. Bardwell says that with Google Analytics, you literally use a tag manager and set up a custom event for every single page on your website. But with SaturnOne, there is no need to do this. You can simply see how content groups flow. 

Let’s jump right into the content analytics update tour and see for ourselves how powerful and seamless content measurement has become with SaturnOne

Content analytics tour by Greg Bardwell, Founder and CEO of SaturnOne. Watch the Youtube video tutorial here

Hi there. I'm Greg Bardwell, the founder of SaturnOne, and I'm going to talk to you today about content analytics. What SaturnOne Content Analytics does is it allows you to group content into categories and then perform various analytics on them, such as filtering by campaigns, categories, and countries, and seeing how whole categories of content are performing. 

We can also do content attribution, which is a very powerful thing. We can actually see where your leads are coming from and where your customers are coming from. You can actually segment them by revenue and different types of customers, and then we have a nice flow. You can see how content groups flow. 

Content Groups Dashboard

Let me just hop right into it. You can quickly and easily set up content groups with our tool just by adding one entry with a few keywords that are related to your website URLs that are very common, whereas with Google Analytics, you literally use a tag manager and set up a custom event for every single page on your website. 

Some of our customers have thousands of web pages. It becomes undoable here. You can just see some of the basic trends on our website. We have three basic categories: content marketing, “how to” analytics, and very recently, we've added comparing ourselves to Google Analytics so you can see the trends and the average time on pages for the groups. If we had forms on our blog, you would see the form count filled out here. As always, you can drill down and see individual pages and how they are performing. 

You can also do filtering very easily in our group. We can search with social media, I'll see all the search categories and you can see how our content is performing in each channel by social or search. We do a lot by circle. We can also do this by target market, different demographics, all the demographics tools, and this will also work on attribution. 

Content Attribution Dashboard

So now let's jump right into content attribution, which is really a super powerful thing. We allow you to capture all your leads and customers within our platform, and we also allow you to add lead scores. You can do it automatically in form tags such as "eBooks." 

You can also do filtering very easily on our group page. So let's get right into content attribution, which is really a super powerful thing. We allow you to capture all of your leads and customers within our platform, and we also allow you to add lead scores, which you can do this automatically in form tags such as eBooks or somebody's in trial, for example, so here I have to set up some basic filters by lead score range, revenue range, and a few other things. 

You can also filter by campaigns, referrals, and country groups as we talked about, and I ran the filter, and I'm going to get some stats. We basically have 48 contacts that meet these filters: the average lead score, the average revenue, all that's going to show up here and you're going to see how each piece of content is attributed to these particular contacts, whether they're customers or leads, which we're including both in this case. 

You see, the Google analytics comparison is not in there because we added that this week, so we have none of our historical customers in there. But you can see that analytics has been our bread and butter so far. Again, you can actually drill down and see how things are performing. 

Here's another example of a real estate site, and they have lots of renter interest compared to townhome sales or home sales, which makes sense in this market. But I want to show you one thing. 

You can actually select the groups and see how they are affecting your actual analytics. I want to run my website analytics based upon group filters, so I can see how my pages drop dramatically, my page views, my scrolls. 

I can see how all that goes, and I can also see the flow of the users. This one has to be almost all from Google. On a couple other search engines, you can see some utm sources, referrers, and the forms filled out. You can actually see the exit pages and where they're going and all the links clicked by the content group.

So if you combine the attribution features, the segmentation features and the analysis by group features it is very powerful for content marketers. If you’re interested, shoot us a message or email and we’d be more than happy to set up a demo for you. Thank you.

To see how easy it is to get actionable insights for your content marketing, get a DEMO or a FREE consultation with our product advisors at SaturnOne Analytics today. 

Final Thoughts

That’s it. Our founder and CEO, Greg Bardwell, has demonstrated how easy it is to navigate and gain insights into your content groups and attribution dashboard. It's very unlike Google Analytics, where you need to do a lot of configuration and setting up. 

Content marketing is a powerful way to reach your target audience, build brand awareness, and drive leads. But measuring content marketing performance can be tricky. 

But by using SaturnOne’s easy-to-use content analytics tool, you have a 360-degree view of your entire funnel and have deeper insights into your content and customer journey data on one dashboard with no hard setup. 

You can watch the Youtube video tutorial here