The Importance of Content Marketing: Aligning with Buyer Preferences

A survey of marketing technology buyers validates content marketing importance again


A survey of marketing technology buyers (why not) by validated yet again the importance of content marketing for business in the buying journey.

It is pretty typical of reports I’ve seen for many years now for any industry that requires more than a “nice to have” or inexpensive e-commerce transaction. As usual, “friends & peers” recommendations come first, followed closely by content marketing activities.

Content marketing has become a cornerstone of successful business strategies, especially in the marketing technology sector. Understanding how buyers prefer to learn about products—and what they dislike—is crucial for creating content that resonates and drives meaningful engagement.

Buyers Seek Valuable and Educational Content

Modern buyers are proactive researchers. They appreciate content that educates, informs, and adds value to their decision-making process. By providing in-depth articles, how-to guides, and insightful webinars, you position your brand as a trusted authority. This not only builds credibility but also fosters a relationship based on trust.

Measuring Content

With most B2B buying journeys having dozens of content touches over months, it is important to demonstrate the impact financially of your content marketing. Conversion events, such as content that drives sales meetings or moving along the funnel, are essential. It is important to measure the content engagement of your customers to see what is valuable or not.

Personalization Enhances Engagement

Generic content often falls flat, like vender sponsored reports or salesy webinars. Buyers prefer content tailored to their specific needs and challenges. Personalizing your content marketing efforts—through segmented email campaigns or targeted blog posts—can significantly enhance engagement. It shows that you understand their unique pain points and are committed to providing relevant solutions.

Transparency and Authenticity Matter

Overly promotional content can be a major turn-off. Buyers dislike feeling like they're being subjected to a hard sell. Instead, they value transparency and authenticity. Sharing case studies, customer testimonials, and honest insights about your products helps build a genuine connection.

Multi-Channel Approach Meets Buyers Where They Are

Different buyers consume content in different ways. Some prefer reading detailed articles, while others might favor podcasts or video content. Adopting a multi-channel content strategy ensures you're meeting buyers on their preferred platforms, increasing the likelihood of engagement.

Respecting the Buyer’s Journey

Aggressive tactics like frequent cold calls or unsolicited emails can deter potential customers. Content marketing respects the buyer's journey by providing the right information at the right time. By nurturing leads with valuable content, you guide them naturally towards making a purchase decision without feeling pressured.

Building Long-Term Relationships

Content marketing isn't just about immediate sales; it's about building long-term relationships. Consistently delivering high-quality content keeps your brand top-of-mind and encourages repeat engagement. This ongoing relationship can lead to customer loyalty and advocacy.


Understanding and aligning with how buyers prefer to learn about products is essential for effective content marketing. By focusing on education, personalization, authenticity, and respecting the buyer's journey, you can create content that not only attracts but also retains and converts potential customers. In the competitive MarTech landscape, content marketing isn't just important—it's indispensable.